Community Corner

Block-by-Block Woodbury: Where are the Carpoolers, Veterans, Largest Families and Vacant Homes?

Taking brush strokes of data to create a picture of Woodbury.

Where Have the Most Homes Increased in Value?

This map shows a snapshot of the percentage of homes across town whose values increased in the past year. The data is from September.

Do Veterans Live in More Impoverished Parts of Town?

The map shows a snapshot of the percentage of families living below the poverty line and the percentage of veterans there.

Do Veterans Live in High-Earning Areas?

The map shows a snapshot of the median household income and the percentage of veterans living there.

Where Do the Most People from Out of State Live?

The map shows a snapshot of the percentage of people originally from another state across your town.

What Part of Town Has the Biggest Homeowning Families?

The map shows a snapshot of the average household size for homeowners across town.

What Part of Town Has the Largest Families in Rentals?

The map shows a snapshot of the average household size for renters across town.

What Part of Town Has the Worst Commutes?

The map shows a snapshot of how many minutes it generally takes people to get to work across town.

Where in Town Are Mortgage Owners Paying the Least?

This map shows a snapshot of the monthly costs for mortgage owners across different areas of your town. The numbers represent the sum of payments to mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts to purchase, and other property related expenses.

What Section of Town Has Prewar Homes?

This map shows a snapshot of the percentage of homes built in 1939 or earlier across different areas of your town.

What Area Has the Most Vacant Rental Units?

This map shows a snapshot of the percentage of vacant rental units across different areas of your town.

What Section of Town Has the Most Vacant Homes?

This map shows a snapshot of the percentage of vacant homes across different areas of your town.

What Area Has the Most Teen Moms?

This map shows a snapshot of how many women gave birth as teenagers across different areas.

What Part of Town Has the Fewest Landline Telephones?

This map shows a snapshot of how many homes don’t use landline telephones across different areas of your town.

What Section of Town Has the Most Million-Dollar Homes?

This map shows a snapshot of how many houses cost $1 million or more across different areas of your town.

What Section of Town Has the Largest Families?

This map shows a snapshot of what the average family size is across different areas of your town.

What Part of Town Has the Most Veterans?

This map shows the percentage of the civilian population across your neighborhood who are veterans of the U.S. Military. 

What Section of Town Has the Most Carpoolers?

This map shows a snapshot of the number of workers who carpooled to work across town. It's not a per capita average, but rather an estimate of the actual number of carpoolers.

What Section of Town Does the Creative Class Live In?

This map shows a snapshot of where the "creative class" in town works. By "creative class," we mean people working in management, business, science, and the arts. The census breaks these workers out separately because they have some of the most important roles in the economy.

Where Do the Divorced Women Live in Town?

Data is from the United States Census Bureau's 2011 American Community Survey.

Who in Town Works From Home?

This map shows which parts of town have the most people working from home. Specifically, it's the number of people who reported that they worked from home during the week before this census survey was taken.

Where Do the New Gen X Moms in Town Live?

This map shows where the new moms of Generation X live in town. Specifically, it's the number of women per 1,000 between 35 and 50 years old that had given birth in the past 12 months when this census survey was taken.

Where Do the Divorced Men in Town Live?

The map above shows the number of divorced men in blocks across your neighborhood. 

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